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A Transformative Journey of the Mind

Rosa Patrinostro

Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist

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You are here because you are searching for solutions to make positive changes. You are at the right place at the right time. I offer clinical hypnotherapy services that get you to your destination much quicker than other modalities.

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What is Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that utilizes relaxation techniques and ​guided imagery to help individuals reach a state of deep focus, also known as trance. ​In this state, the mind is more open to suggestions and can explore and address ​underlying issues, beliefs, or habits. It is often used to help with a variety of concerns, ​such as managing stress, overcoming phobias, improving sleep, or even aiding in ​pain management.

I am a registered clinical hypnotherapist and have been trained to assist my clients in ​making positive changes in their thoughts, feelings and behaviour through the power ​of suggestion while in trance-like state.

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Solutions Offered

Dentist Office, Dental Hygiene, Dentist's Chair.

Dental Anxiety

You have a fear of going to the dentist and now you are ready and motivated to make changes.

new start,change,risk,personal,growth 3d colorful wordclouds

Life Goals

You are looking to improve aspects of your life so you can achieve your goals.

Courage and fear risk safety future strength strong business concept

Undesirable Behaviors

You have phobias, fears, or other internal obstacles that hinder you from enjoying your life. You are ready to make changes so you can be happy.

Candle and flower. Condolence card
Guardian angel sleeping in flowers

You are here because you have experienced some sort of loss., such as:

  • death of a loved one
  • divorce
  • serious illness
  • lost your job
  • moving
  • empty nester syndrome
  • not meeting personal goals
  • loss of a treasured item

I can help you navigate through your loss and help you recognize each stage of the process.

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My Experience with Grief

I have faced grief many times in my life. I lost my parents through sickness when I was in my 20s, newly married and a young mother. I lost my husband tragically in 2018, never having said goodbye to him.

My dad was diagnosed with cancer and three weeks later he was gone. My mother had two strokes, one of which I witnessed at the age of 19, and the second took her life.

My husband died tragically in 2018, and I did not have a chance to say goodbye to him, after 33 years of marriage.

Through my own journey of loss and healing, I discovered the power of reclaiming light in the darkness.

As a clinical hypnotherapist, during our sessions, we acknowledge your grief and all of its pain. I assist you in reframing your grief by honoring your memories of your loved one. The void is replaced by cherished memories, allowing you to become the strength and the light to others

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What Clients Say

Gina S.

I had a session with Rosa in which I needed to clear the energy for someone who I allowed to cause me a lot of pain. While I no longer wished to be with this person, the energy and space that this person took in my mind and body was keeping me stuck, holding onto the pain and preventing me from forgiving and moving forward. Rosa guided me through this painful experience and forgiveness session. The pain had manifested in my body on the neck and in my heart space as I was unable to speak my truth. After our session, I felt like a 100 pounds had been lifted off of me. I no longer feel the tension in my neck. I sobbed and released the trapped emotions in my body as well as the charge they had on me.I feel liberated having released these emotions and it has allowed me a change in perspective. I can now focus on my growth and not the hurt. I feel the expansion in my body and the room for new experiences, people and love to enter into my life.

Rosa is a beautiful and gifted woman.

Franca D.

Thank you, Rosa, for the hypnotherapy session. To learn that my nagging cough could be controlled was liberating. Part physical, which I am working on and part emotional. To face those emotional reasons was easy with your help. Learning tools to stay in control is very useful. Thank you.

Letting go of guilt that I have held on to was a gift to myself. Learning that I don’t deserve to suffer because I am only human. I am here to learn and move on. Again, thank you. The sessions allowed me to go deeper and stay there so I can hear and feel what I needed to work on. It’s a safe and controlled place. The lessons from each session stay with me and help me continue to work on this journey called life

Claudia P.

I am a seeker who is always working to understand myself better and clear the blocks that stand in my way. I have worked with many practitioners of many different modalities. Working with Rosa has been a great experience. I felt safe with her to go deeply within, something that I am not usually able to do. Her voice is reassuring, and I feel supported through our sessions. The best reward has been the sense of calm I feel after as well as the insights that keep coming up, helping me further gain awareness as to what I may have interpreted, believed and what I can finally let go of. I appreciate her and our time together very much.

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Dedicated to my late husband, Fiorangelo Cinquino


You become who you think you are

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Free Consultation

Our initial call will be used to address all your concerns and your questions. We explore how we can tailor your goals and expectations in order to fit your unique needs. There is no obligation during our first consultation. We will use this time to establish how we can work together

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Let's go swimming

Single Sessions

The single session is used to get acclimated with hypnotherapy. We can work on breaking simple undesirable behaviors. Note that other sessions will be required for more permanenet change.


$165/session after 5:00 pm

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Six Sessions

We work on reframing undesirable behaviours using different hypnotherapy strategies to remove deep-rooted thought patterns.

$150 - day session

$165 - after 5:00 pm


$800: Day Package Price

$850 - Evening Package Price

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Life washed away. Do something with your life!

Other Packages Available Upon Request